Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ice Fever

This latest performance of Figure Skating Olympic Champion- Yuna Kim for her summer show gives me chills!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Polyvore: First set of sets (Favorites)

        I accidentally discovered Polyvore here on the net few days ago. And it is freaking addictive lol. I've been consuming few hours a day just to make one set. I make sure that I create the best and I give my best for each set. I'am telling you, for me this is much  better than Facebook. Since I am not that expressive verbally and through actions. However, I find Polyvore as brilliant and creative alternative for self expression. Each piece of the "art" is an expression of my certain mood or what I exactly feel on that mere moment. You can really tell if I feel happy, blue, so-so (inspired or not-so- inspired) through my sets.
 Fashion blogger BryanBoy on his trip to India.